Our family is part of the Hospital for Sick Kids, and Bella is one of the many ambassadors for the Sick Kids VS campaign. Last year on Mother’s Day, I wrote a post on what it means to be #MomStrong. As ‘special’ mothers to special children, we show our fierce and selfless side on a daily basis. We continue to harness every ounce of strength and courage to ensure that our children who live with disabilities and life threatening illnesses are nurtured with love and compassion. Today is Mother’s Day, and for this post I’d like to dedicate this video for all the moms who ask for nothing...
~ Nothing ~
Nothing. I don’t want anything.
Life always seems to take on an unexpected direction.
To some it may look unpleasant,
As fear is a powerful emotion.
Nothing. I don’t want anything.
A shadow passes by in a moment of exhaustion.
A small piece of me wishes that she didn’t need me.
Dark days wear me down.
Nothing. I don’t want anything.
Ignorance, cruelty, and prejudice form the reality that stabs me.
My hope is stolen.
My heart drops, I cannot breathe.
Nothing. I don’t want anything.
I look at my daughter.
I take a deep breath.
Inhale acceptance, exhale forgiveness.
Nothing. I don’t want anything.
I struggle, I laugh, I survive.
It isn’t always beautiful.
My story is fuelled with love.
Nothing. I don’t want anything.
Her smile lifts my soul.
All I want is this moment.
I have everything.
~ Andrea ~

To all the mothers out there, I hope you can see how the everyday sweet little things are the most beautiful. Our children are our everything. Happy Mother's Day.